How to avoid complexity in product interface?

The reason why we add complexity is that we haven't figured out the right mental model. Here are 7 things you can do to make your product simpler

  • Ruthlessly de-prioritize unimportant things. We tend to give undue importance to the new features we're building.  Thing ten times before adding steps to your core user flows.
  • Set reasonable defaults for infrequent actions instead of asking the user for input.
  • Remember what the user did. Persist the interface state as much as possible.
  • Reduce visual noise. Replace borders and shadows with white spaces. Minimize the number of styles, colors, fonts you use. Highlight only the most important thing.
  • Use standard interactions, with a few tweaks if necessary. Custom components increase perceived complexity.
  • Use the language of your user instead of inventing new terms.
  • This is an unpopular one - Get rid of in-product onboarding. Make the interface obvious instead of trying to teach people how to operate the complex interface.