What I learned in 4 years at Postman

I joined Postman in 2017 when it was a young company and a small team. I hoped to learn about APIs, SaaS, and Product Management. But surprisingly, I got to learn a lot more about people during 4+ years of working there.

  1. Expect more out of people than they do themselves, but genuinely believe in them. People are able to tell. If you are well-intentioned, they will try harder. Otherwise, you will hear only complaints.
  2. Be clear about the outcome that you expect. Then, help people figure out what to do to achieve it instead of giving them a task list. They will positively surprise you, always.
  3. What people need to achieve great things is for someone to say — "It's okay if you fail, I got you." Be that person.
  4. It's okay to be vulnerable. Learn to say - "I don't know". You will be trusted more than someone who has all the answers.
  5. You might have a lot going on, but so does everyone else. Be kind. It doesn't cost you but it means a lot to the other person.
  6. It's okay to let people make mistakes. Mistakes teach better than warnings.
  7. I still have no idea what good leadership means. But I've seen — confidence is contagious and so is doubt. Positivity is contagious but so is pessimism. You choose what you want to be and others will reflect it.
  8. Even if communication becomes asynchronous, automated, and utilitarian — you also have to make it personal. Turn on your video camera. Type out someone's name instead of @ them. Tell stories instead of distributing tasks.
  9. Take risks in people. Invest in long-term relationships. That's one of the most important assets you can have in your life and in your organization.